The Dogelon Digest, Vol. XXVII

Friday, May 13th, 2022

Dogelon Warriors
4 min readAug 12, 2022

Keep looking to the stars, Martians.

That’s how we set our outlook a year ago when we first embarked on this journey, and that’s how we continue to view it today.

It’s not the first time the going got rough for us… but it’s not the last time we’ll get back up, either!

Someone’s strength isn’t measured by how hard they can hit. Instead, it’s their resilience and how much they can endure that shows that.

So, as another week comes to a close, let’s take a look at how Dogelon defied expectations over the last 7 days!

Monday, 05/09

It had to be done…


Strategy and timing account for a fair bit of success in this field.

They may not necessarily guarantee it, but they can help create the conditions for it.

And that’s exactly what the Dogelon Martians are waiting for before they can officially launch the long-awaited NFTs.

In the current climate, it would simply be a miscalculation if we were to release these prized artefacts that we’ve been hyping up for so long!

With volatility swaying all over the place, the sensible choice right now is to hodl and be patient. Allow the conditions for success to thrive.

Tuesday, 05/10

Old dog, new tricks!


Like the prophet that he is, Methuselon appears at just the right point in time…

This week, we have been exposed to another major initiative undertaken by the Methuselah Foundation!

As per Methuselon himself, the call went out for all Martians to assemble in the official Elongevity Discord server.

The Martians heard the summons and reported for duty as promptly and as diligently as you would expect.

Methuselon relied on our strength in numbers — this is what it’s going to take to fulfil this quest. Soon, all would be revealed…

Wednesday, 05/11

Enter Enigma…


Wordplays and riddles… Back to the good ol’ days!

Fresh cadets might not recall, but back in the day, Martians and Warriors thrived when presented with a puzzle or mystery to solve.

Methuselon is keenly aware of how our community thrives and comes closer together when it comes to deciphering codes and riddles.

Indeed, it’s a sight to behold! Martians from every part of the world pitching in, working together, thinking as one…

It’s a glimpse of the efficient future on Mars that we aspire to create. And sure enough, we delivered once again!

Thursday, 05/12

Enigma, Unveiled:


Just in time for the festivities…

A year ago on this day, the path for our young pup was altered in a major way.

Out of the blue, and without any prior knowledge or warning, our spaceship collided with the MFoundation cluster.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

We’re in the process of writing it together ever since!

Since Dogelon and Methuselah’s destinies got intertwined, it became clear to even the most skeptical Martians: we found worthy allies.

Not only worthy, but also open-minded to acknowledge our potential and committed to helping us achieve it!

Jump to a year later and our relationship is stronger and more vibrant than ever!

As we peel through Enigma’s obscure layers, the initiative at the core of this mystery was revealed…

It’s an NFT drop exclusive to our community, and it’s unlike anything we’ve experienced before!

By splitting an image in 10,000 fragments and scattering them among the Martians, Mrethuselon expects us to work together and reassemble this tapestry once more.

What will we find when we put it all together?

Where will it lead us when this process is all said and done?

There’s only one certainty we can rely on… Dogelon does not waver and falter, no matter what.

We’ll keep going strong. That’s what our mettle is made of!


