The Dogelon Digest, Vol. XVI

Friday, February 25th, 2022

Dogelon Warriors
3 min readFeb 25, 2022

Times can be rough, sometimes…

We’ve always got an optimistic and positive outlook to chart our course ahead.

But it’s not always an easy task. At times, it’s best that we confront the factors that are throwing us in flux

Band together once more, Martians.

We need each other more than ever. And that’s what we’re all here for.

Monday, 02/21

Nothing is written unless we write it.


Have you heard of the great coalition?

Who are we kidding, if you’re here then you are well aware of the prowess between Dogelon and Methuselah!

Like a pair bonded by design, the two are utilizing each other’s strengths to reach our shared goals faster.

It’s been long established that Methuselah shares some awesome connections in a network that includes the top players in aerospace and longevity developments…

Naturally, it’s a reason to celebrate when we see this credible organisation champion $ELON!

Not only are they onboard with us and willing to sensibly steward their ownership, they have embraced Dogelon for all to see!

We salute you, Methuselah. We can’t wait to stand beside you when Mars is within our grasp.

Tuesday, 02/22

Turn off the dark:


Now he’s talking.

Dogelon has been quite precious with his statements in 2022 so far.

It’s rather eclectic but no less significant. So what did he have to say this Tuesday?

A message of courage and defiance against insurmountable odds.

The way isn’t always lit in front of us. Sometimes the path forward can be more treacherous than what we make it out to be.

But darkness isn’t pervasive, nor is it persistent.

In a universe where the absence of light is impossible, so too is all encompassing darkness.

Those who get lost, are ones who put barriers around them and choose to submerge in the darkness.

We Martians face the daylight and the starlight head on.

Even though we don’t always know what they may bring, they always light our way forward.

Thursday, 02/24

Thursdays now bring you two dates.


Dogelon Warriors certainly go above and beyond the call of duty.

Now, they don’t just host one DogelonSpace session per week, but two!

And that’s on top of the DogelonTalks that are regularly held!

We like to think that this Weekly Digest and Friday’s Daily Dogelon are becoming a traditional double whammy, but we might have to give that title to Dogelon Thursdays!

The Dogelon Warriors Twitter has only become richer and more engaged as time goes on.

This is but a natural progression.

So, don’t miss out and don’t feel left out!

Recordings of the sessions will be available as usual but now you’ve got two opportunities every week to be a part of something greater!

Our perseverance is inspiring and somewhat beautiful on its own right.

At a time where division and conflict is prevalent, our community thrives on unity and coordination.

We know this is the way forward.

That’s why we belong here.

Rest assured, you’re among peers.

And we’re going to Mars together.


